San antonio
international airport
BMB has been providing professional services at airports in the San Antonio region for more than 20 years. With our long history at SAIA, we have a comprehensive knowledge of the airport including utilities; connecting roadways; drainage issues; and the many other moving parts of this expanding airport facility. Our experience includes:
- Civil Engineering
- Surveying
- Utility Locations
- Apron Tie-ins
- Gate Rotundas and Bridges
- Masterplan
- Construction History Exhibit
- Technical Field Investigations
- Runway Reconstruction
- Floodplain Analysis
BMB is an established consultant with SAIA, working with many of the Aviation Department team members, acquiring a comprehensive knowledge and insight of SAIA’s processes and procedures during the completion of multiple projects.
Below is a sample listing of our airport project experience completed through IDIQs with SAIA or as a sub-consultant:
- SAIA SBEDA General Engineering Contract
- SAIA Multi-story Garage
- SAIA Terminal B Construction
- SAIA Layout Plan Update
- SAIA Terminal A 3D As-Built Survey
- SAIA Terminal A and Terminal B Surveys
- SAIA New Freight Facilities
- SAIA Terminal B Jenny Aircraft Display
- SAIA ILS Survey and Budget Lease
- SAIA M7 Aerospace
- SAIA Land Use Study
- SAIA Construction Survey IDIQ
- SAIA Terminal B Expansion – Project 3 Vol. 2 Utility Relocation
- SAIA Parking Garage Survey
- SAIA Terminal B Expansion – Elevations, Construction Surveying & Staking
- SAAS Ring Road Bridge Independent Review
- SAAS Ring Road Bridge Investigation
- SAAS Full Runway Pavement Inspection
- SAAS LT Garage Entry Walkway Improvements
- SAAS Airport Taxi Cut-Out
- SAAS Taxiway H PDD Development
- SAAS Parking Facilities Maintenance
- SAAS CONRAC Fuel Road and Term Drive Gates
- SAAS Ring Road Bent Repairs
- SAAS Ring Road Bent Repairs – Bidding
- SAAS West Terminal Drive Restriping
- SAAS Airside Pavement Maintenance Management
- SAAS Airport Blvd. Northern Intersection Survey
- SAAS Package 7 Runway 13L Mill and Overlay Alternative
- Randolph Air Force Base Storm Sewer System Rehabilitation Evaluation
- Randolph Air Force Base Block Topographic Survey
- Lackland Air Force Base Airman’s Gate Surveying
- Lackland Airforce Base and Goliad Road Topographic Survey
- Stinson Airport Hangar Development Survey
- Stinson Obstruction Survey
- Stinson Municipal Airport ILS Survey and Budget Lease
- Bishop Airport Runway Reconstruction Surveying
BMB is a SCTRCA DBE/MBE/HABE/SBE and State of Texas HUB certified firm.
Our Team Will Make The Difference For Your Next Project Success!